Monday, February 13, 2012

Reflect on what you have learned in class and how this will help you in the future. What will you take away from this course?

Boy, where to start?!  I have learned so much in this class: modems, modulate, demodulate, bits, search engines, browsers, pixel, JPEG, HTML, to working with programs such as Photoshop and Expressions.  The terminology alone was incredible to me.  Being able to put a name to things or actions I have been doing for years was not only exciting but it was an awesome feeling!  I am grateful that the books were great to read, especially “The Non-Designer’s Web Book,” it was funny and saturated with good content. 
Photoshop was awesome to learn and the book was not so bad.  I enjoyed learning the various ways of cropping, fixing pictures, making pictures look artistic and of course changing the images to be fit for the web.  I have to be honest, I did not think I could be comfortable enough to be able to work with this program, but what do you know?  Not only was I able to get my fear down, I became more “courageous” about trying things out.  Now I will be able to continue using Photoshop outside of class to fix my own personal pictures.  Knowing Photoshop is an asset to have in my college life, because I am sure I will need it again for my future classes.  Although there is a lot of good programs out there for designing your own web, this class showed me how much work it is to make a good web site.  I will always remember CRAP and how many people out there do not follow those important rules.
Nothing of my work could have been done without the immense help that the instructor gave me.  She had the patience and the knowledge to drag my limited experience out and now I feel I know so much more than when I started.  Thanks for all of the help Michele, it has been fun!!

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