Monday, January 30, 2012

Computers and software have enabled individuals to become one-person operations with an internet connection and laptop. The same is true with website design; anyone with a computer can create a website. Is this always a good thing?

Not always.  There are many people who have the patience and time to learn how to make a good website and follow the “rules” to achieve a successful project.  It is time consuming and there are so much information and different ways to accomplish different tasks but I think that if someone is up for the challenge, paying attention to detail and have tons of patience it is possible (I think).  But unfortunately there are other types of people who do not care about any type of rules and breaks all of them at the same time.  It is important to follow some type of organization once someone wants to create a website.  I still do not know if they choose to break them because of the inability to see a good website or because they just don’t care.  So it is not always a good thing to have anyone making a website, but if they didn’t how would we have the examples of bad websites? 

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