Tuesday, January 10, 2012

What is your understanding of designing for the web vs designing for print?

One important factor that I understood of web vs print is cost.  The cost for publishing anything in print is astronomical because of the potential usage of color (which is limited) and space available that is purchased by inches.  Meanwhile, the cost for the web is unexpectedly low, offering unlimited color choices at no extra cost and the abundant amount of space giving freedom to its creators to produce an effective web site.  In the print world if mistakes are made corrections will cost “an arm and a leg” to fix them and it will most likely be an undertaking to complete such task.  But for the web, is almost like pressing an “easy button,” changes can be made at any time and within minutes the corrections are done.   Distribution for web and print could not be so different.  While print is finding a company to help them target their audience and how to give their materials (spending more money and time), with the web the trick is making the web address known to as many people possible so they could visit the web site.    Keeping the information up-to-date in print is a challenge.  To redesign and reprint brand new information is another costly work, and after all, what to do with the old materials?  One of the greatest advantages of designing for the web is the ability to make quick changes and to keep the web up-to-date without any fuss.  Maintaining the web site interesting and up-to-date with information are ways to get and retain visitors to the site.  
Although the web has various wonderful advantages that help us with our daily lives, print is still just as important today because of its history and the comfort that it gives most of us.  In the sense of cost to own a book or paper, it is still affordable to have in print; there is no need to buy a computer and all its gadgets if the person does not want to or cannot afford it. It is my opinion that there is no question that web is the future, but I know I will always enjoy the old process of buying a book, enjoying each page as I come in contact with the paper and carrying my book everywhere I go.

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