Monday, January 23, 2012

What else did I learn?

I have already experienced the difficult task of navigating and search for information on various websites.  Now I do understand why there is such a disconnection between the beautiful aesthetic design and the functionality of many websites; the developers and writes are often not the same and there could also be a content provider. Sometimes when I am looking at a website it is obvious to me that they did not speak to each other.  Also, “chunk” is a clever way of naming the framework to organize information.  One thing that is still not clear to me (I need a visual) is the flatter the structure or hierarchy and deeper too.  Understanding the flatter option is somewhat easy, how viewers can jump to content directly from the home or top-level pages.  Deeper could be bad (depending upon the how web designer wants to give the information to the users) because the viewers have to browse to get to the needed content.   
How cool and awesome is this inspiration site?  This site is so great because it allows people like me (with 0 experience in web design) to visualize the beginning states of the web page work.  Also, it has a wide-ranging library of symbols.   Very nice.  But if I don’t want to use the Internet for my web page outline, I can use sticky notes (it will feel like planning a wedding dinner sitting chart.  Where should I place the annoying uncle that no one wants to see with?) I think it will work just as well. 
Another look into the world of web design is that there is a section on the book about index or site map.  So many web sites out there completely missed this section while they were making their own sites.  And I really like the advice from the book author if I would be doing an external link, to have it open up in a separate window so my site stays on.  Love this! Good advice.

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